
You Need More Than Basic IT Support


You Need an IT Strategist.  

Seasoned IT engineers combine business experience to help you navigate the complexities of business IT.


You Need A Trusted Guide.  

It’s not easy navigating the confusing waters of business IT…it’s even more difficult making IT decisions that impact your business when IT is not your job.


You Need Results.  

Real, tangible, measurable results. The kind that make your business’ bottom line come to life. The kind that make your customers feel better served.

Our Consulting Capabilities

Wireless Network Design & Installation


There’s wireless and then there’s business-class wireless.  While many small businesses can get by without a formal wireless design, when your business, church, school or outdoor event requires reliable, high-capacity wireless solutions, you need an expert to take the lead and assemble a solution that will be guaranteed to work.

Example Projects

  • Apartment Building WiFi Solution (7 WAP, 200 concurrent connections – Washington, DC)
  • Fitness Center Wireless Solution (4 WAP, 150 concurrent connections, Washington, DC)
  • Church Wireless Solution – (17 WAP, 300 concurrent connections, Vienna, VA)
  • Building Parking Garages – (24 WAP, 80 concurrent connections, Washington, DC)
Cloud Migrations

Moving to the Cloud or from one provider to another can be complex and can have a significant cost impact if you don’t do it well. Our consultants have performed countless migrations to Office365, Google Apps and other major Cloud vendors. We have documented experience migrating virtual servers between vendors and moving your physical infrastructure to a Cloud host.

Projects Completed

  • On-premise Microsoft Exchange to Office365 migrations
  • On-premise fileserver to SharePoint migrations
  • WordPress installations, migrations & upgrades
  • Moving websites to new webservers or webhosts
  • On-premise physical servers moved to the Cloud
  • Moving clients to new Cloud service providers (CSP)
    • Moving email from Google Apps to Office365
    • Moving email from Office365 to Google Apps
    • Moving VPS from Rackspace to CenturyLink, etc.
Office Relocations
Office relocation is a nightmare for most business.  There are so many considerations:   furniture, floorplan, who-sits-where and timing to name just a few.  Then there’s IT.  Ordering the new ISP circuits, making sure the printers have power and cabling, making sure the server room has HVAC and the list goes on.  Qualatech consultants have been supporting our customers’ office moves since 2003 and we want to be your go-to resource when it’s time to move your business.
Server/Datacenter Consolidation / Virtualization

If your organization still has a number of physical servers, you can make substantial gains by leveraging virtualization technology like VMware and Hyper-V to achieve a smallert IT footprint.  The benefits are tangible and include lower HVAC & electric costs, lower IT administrative burden and you can achieve a much higher degree of reliability.

Project Examples

  • 56 server consolidation (Webhost, Ashburn, VA
  • 18 server consolidation (Engineering Firm, Fairfax, VA)
  • 15 server consolidation (Software Developer, Washington, DC)
Disaster Recovery Planning
Disaster recovery is often assumed but rarely validated.  Often times, if and when disaster strikes, it’s found to have been slower and more costly than assumed.  Qualatech’s approach to DRP includes exhaustive testing and utilizing industry best practices to ensure your organization can survive business impact events.
IT Capacity & Cost Planning

The face of business IT is ever-changing.  You need the ability to budget and predict your IT costs at least 3 years into the future.  Qualatech consultants are called up regularly by our clients to provide valuable input to IT costs, analysis for IT costs and justification papers for upgrade and Cloud migrations. 

Example Projects

  • Cost-benefit analysis of moving on-premise Exchange to Office365 for 75-person engineering firm in Fairfax, VA.
  • 3-year IT budget projection for 50-person association management company in Rockville, MD.
  • Draft RFP for web design project for 50-person lobbying firm in Arlington, VA.

Servers Virtualized

Managed Wireless Access Points

Email Accounts Migrated to the Cloud

Projects Completed

Happy Clients

Rock Solid Approach to Consulting

In-depth Requirements Analysis

Firm-fixed Pricing

Clear Communication

Online Project Portal

168 Clients

Have Taken Their Business to the Next Level with System Won